When loneliness creeps up and rears its ugly head you can either decide to hang with it or you can decide that you would like to beat it. Most people would prefer to beat loneliness but have no idea how. It’s not that hard if you have a phone, a few bucks, or a destination. Sometimes our friends are far away. We move. We start over. We get divorced, and loneliness floods us because we are more than merely alone. Just because the circumstances of your loneliness are not perfect, this doesn’t mean that you can’t beat it rather than hang with it.
Some people use the internet as a cure for loneliness. I don’t think this is the most effective cure for loneliness as this can lead to much more heart break than it solves. But there are times when the only connection you have to the outside world late at night is through technology. What matters is that you reach beyond the loneliness and that you enable yourself to become a competent social person once again. We all have periods of loneliness and some of them are absolutely heart wrenching. But we all have a choice when the chips are down. We can either get up and start moving or we can stay where we are. When you are grappling with loneliness, which option is more likely to release you from your current dilemma? Most of us have a way out of our loneliness even if it is only for a short time. Those reprieves can mean more than finding a new partner when you are in the boughs of loniliness.