Everyday we have no time to cook or no place to cook but we are hungry and we move to the nearest cafe or McDonald’s. There we can buy almost everything we want and we try to do it as quickly as possible. We eat quickly and move to our jobs, universities etc. Fast food restaurants help us to save our time, but do they help to save our health? Many people consider this question to be childish and silly, but there is still a food for thought.
It is not a secret that there is a great amount of calories in fast food. But there is also a trans fat in fast food. Trans fat is a common name for a type of unsaturated fat with trans-isomer fatty acid. Trans fats which are commonly found in fast food have been shown in many tests to have a negative health effect on the body. A 2006 study fed monkeys a diet consisting of a similar level of trans fats a person who ate fast food regularly would consume. Both diets contained the same overall number of calories. It was found out that monkeys who consumed higher level of trans fat developed more abdominal fat than those fed a diet rich in unsaturated fats. They also developed signs of insulin resistance, which is an early indicator of diabetes. After six years on the diet, the trans fat fed monkeys had gained 7.2% of their body weight, compared to just 1.8% in the unsaturated fat group.
To sum up we would like to add that people should think what they eat.