среда, 3 декабря 2008 г.

Satellite TV

Satellite television is a very good way to entertain yourself when you are at home and don’t know what to do. You can switch over thousands of channels and find something to your taste. There is no need to enumerate these channels and their subject areas, as there is no room in this article to mention all of them. It is enough to say that there are channels which cover almost all possible topics. Among them there are channels, devoted to fishing, sport, cinema, news, documentaries, history, geography, economy, nature, etc. If you are fond of one of these topics there can be two variants for you: either you will watch this or that channel all the time, as each next program is more interesting than the previous one or you may not watch TV at all, as you will understand that it become a sort of addiction. Addiction in turn can be treated only by means of complete rejection. Satellite TV gives you a splendid opportunity to forget about your problems and troubles and plunge into the world of interesting and amusing events, innovations and discoveries. Documentaries, films and programs, which are shown via satellite channels are not demonstrated on municipal TV, as these channels are meant for an average low-brow citizen, who is not interested in specific topics, such as historical events, investigations, geography and wild life. They mostly prefer soap operas, low-brow TV shows, where instead of ordinary people, actors participate and thus deceive those, who watch them. Of course, satellite channels are intended for housewives and workers. Every man to his taste.